Sunday, December 21, 2003

One day its a habit, the next, a mere memory

After Cubby was euthanized, I wrote about him pretty often. As time went on, I wrote about him a little less, but took the 16th of every month to think about him. To write about him. Granted, sometimes I was late in my posting, but I always remember... hey another month has gone by. Then, it was a year. And all fo a sudden, that monthly habit was gone. It wasn't exactly intentional, and I still think about him often, and talk about him when I get the chance to bring him up in conversation. I have dreams about him on occassion. But, I know long have a feeling because its the 16th of the month. The week of, I'm not going, oh yeah, the 16th is on *****day... or, Oh man, the 16th was the other day. I didn't even realize it until tonight. I was chatting with some friends in a chat room, and one of them asked me about the dog in the picture. And so I told him a little about what happened. And as I was typing away to this friend who is yet also still a stranger, I realized that I was no longer taking the 16th as a day of mourning. I am saddened by this turn of events.
I have a few things that I saw on an e-mail at work today. Very relevant.

Have a heart that never hardens
A temper that never tires
And a touch that never hurts.
Charles Dickens

In loving memory of Cubby and Rocky
and all my beloved furbabies
that have gone on before me.
Dear God if they are not in Heaven
as I know it, may I go where they are.....

"Sadness flies away on the wings of time"
Jean de La Fountaine
That last one is sooooooooo true. Time heals all wounds, even if we don't want it to.

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