Saturday, October 11, 2003


Memories are strange. Sometimes we remember the most random details of our life. For instance, Living on BI, I remember:
Getting icecream with my mom at "The Icecream Place" (yes, thats the name of it) and wanting a sugar cone but getting a wafer cone.
Wanting Bubblegum Icecream.
Making my mom lick the icecream cone because I couldnt keep up with the dripping.
Offering her a taste of my icecream for a taste of hers.
Going into the restaurant and asking "can I get some cheeeeesseee luiseeee."
The taste of rice cakes with peanutbutter and honey on them.
The wooden honey stick in the drawer next to the sink.
The deeeep sink in the bathroom in the restaurant.
Learning to blow bubbles in my gum in the restaurant.
Singing Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer, while hiding under the counter, sneaking sugar packets.
Spinning on the stools.
Kristina biting her tongue so hard I thought she was dying.
Jess eating a rock, then eating cat food.
Trying to sneak out of my friend's house in the middle of the night because her mom was babysitting me. She stationed her oldest son on the couch to catch me. I still got out.
The orange and white longhaired kitten that we kept in the bathroom. We had to give him away because we couldn't let him out, and we couldn't keep him inside.
Being terrified of Daddy cat.
My mom eating junior mints, until last year I thought she liked mint chocolate like I do because of that.. it turns out she sometimes like junior mints... but in general, does not like mint + chocolate.
Laying on the living room floor crying because I didn't know if my father was dead or alive.
Hating the color green because I left my paints outside under the picnic table, and the green got ruined in the rain.
Trying to dig a hole in the sand while I had a hangnail on my pinkey and how much it hurt.
A lot of crazy, stupid, insignificant little things. All from before I was 5 yrs old. People need to realize how much they affect even young children. Children are sponges. And everyone that they meet may have a major affect on them.
My kittens are doing ok. They started really eating out of a bowl today. Two of them ended up with their entire faces and the tops of their heads covered in formula mixed with wetfood. They put their faces in the bowl and come up coughing. It takes them a few tries to understand that they can not go snorkling in the food dish. But they are learning. They are also very slowly figuring out the litterbox thing. It will take a while with no mom to teach them, but they will get it.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Why Do We Dream if Our Thoughts Have No Meaning?

Ugh, My birthday is coming up and it just reminds me how lonely I am. The only person who it seems to have occured to is (Besides Joanne, Thanks JO!!!) is one person at work. Soooo... my plan is to get some alcohol, sit here, and drink myself into a stupor while crying to my cat. And if my family doesn't even call me, well then, I might have to "work" at both my jobs on Christmas. Which is basically like cutting off my nose to spite my face, or shooting myself in the foot, but ya know... they don't need me, so why should I need them. :*( Anyway, now I keep having these dreams about being the person left out, and everyone in the dreams are people that I used to go to school with. Dreams that make me want to cry, and then I wake up because I'm so lonely it hurts. Arg, I don't want to do this any more. There is no end in site for it. It just doesn't stop. I watched this movie, About a Boy the other night. It was great. went from Hugh Grant drinking himself into a stupor because he was bored on Christmas, to him having lots of friends and family around, and enjoying it. Too bad thats not in the stars for me. I wonder what makes me so messed up that I can't accept love from people who would be willing to give it to me, and makes almost everyone else dislike me. Ugh, sometimes I dread to think that I may have another 50 years like this.

Monday, October 06, 2003

How to know when its time to wash the dishes

You know its time to wash the dishes when:

You have been eating out for a week because there are no clean dishes left to eat on or cook in
You consider throwing out all of the dishes and buying new ones rather than washing them
You have algea growing in your pots that you left to "soak" to make them "easier to clean"
You buy antibactieral and scented dishsoap.. because its needed.
The smell from the sink rivals the smell from the bathroom on "Mexican night"
The dishes make the sllluuurrrpppp sound when you try to pry them apart.
You can't cook, because, besides the lack of clean dishes.. the dirty dishes over run the stove, and create a fire hazard.
You wonder if you should just move to a new home instead of cleaning the kitchen.
Your honestly afraid of finding some living creature in the sink or on the counter under or in one of the dishes.
Your hands smell like they are rotting after you finish washing the dishes.
You refuse to have anyone over, god forbid they should see your kitchen.
You want to wear a biohazard suit before entering the kitchen.
None of the dishes and can even consider being washed before they have soaked in HOT HOT HOT soapy water for 20 minutes.
And... When you can honestly no longer remember the last time you washed the dishes.