Thursday, January 16, 2003

Sleep seems to be nearly as addictive as food, alcohol, drigs, and cigs. Things get crazy, and I crave sleep. I love that place inbetween actual sleep and being awake and present. You know, where your thoughts just drift this way and that, and you can sort of control them. Where your dreaming, but you can hear things going on around you, they just enter your thoughts. Where your only about 30 seconds from falling completely asleep. One thing that I like about walking is that I can get to a state nearly there, only not quite all the way.
After all, when your in that stage, things don't hurt, your not usually sad, nothing is annoying, and your not stressed out. Everything is just dandy... unreal.... its the place where Meg's land of delusion is not upset by real life. And we only get a mear few fleating seconds of this state daily.

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