Saturday, January 18, 2003

Ok yes, so Thursday was the 4th month err.. anniversary ?? of when the dog was put to sleep. I think I have finally worked through a lot of the bad feelings, the anger, and most of the guilt. I mean, I will probably always have some guilt over it, but I sort of off handedly admitted it to someone, and that seemed to make it a little better. I mean, it wasn't like a bawling confession or anything, we were just talking and somehow something about the whole dog thing came up and why he was euthanized, and I admitted that I had put him in a situation that he couldn't handle, and myself in a situation where I couldn't be as attentive to him as I needed to be. The person I was talking too didn't really comment on that, and the conversation just continued on normally. It was... nice.. I guess. I am at such a loss for words sometimes.

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