Monday, September 08, 2003

Always all alone

I wanted/do want the people from work to be my family. They have other people in their lives however, and don't need me, except at work. I feel most comfortable around my brother, but, its really sad that he's the one that I feel the most loved from. Other than my cat. My cat and my brother are on an even keel, everyone else is on the bottom of the totem pole. My own mom doesn't even really like me. If she had to be my friend, she wouldn't. She finds me boring. And I am boring. But my family should still love me right? I want that christmas card picture family kind of love. I'm so freaking messed up it doesn't even feel to go out and seek any kind of relation ship with anyone, not even friend ship. It seems rather sneaky and underhanded to go out and befriend someone because I need someone to share life with. Everything from the big things to the little things. The kind of things friends share, both the happy and the sad. I'v cried a lot today, a lot more than I have in a while. I think part of it is that its September. Part of it is everything else. And part of it is just that I'm insane. Ugh, *sigh* thank god for Freddie, I do't know what I would do without him. I swear, he becomes more affectionate when I'm sad, even when I'm not showing the real signs of it... he knows. I wouldn't trade him for the world. He is my family, my support, silly to rest so much of that on a cat, but there's no one else who wants it. Whats wrong with me that I'm not worthy of that from other humans. :*(

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