Sunday, October 19, 2003

Whats in a Name?

I went to this fair while I was in Oregon. They had a church group that was handing out certificates that have your name, and what your name means. They just look up your name in the computer, and print out the paper. The people I was with all had theirs done, and the people with the computer were asking me. I told them they probably didn't have my name, especially not the way I spell it. Well, lo and behold, they had my name, even spelled correctly. Turns out that my name is really very very old. It means "a pearl". I wonder if my mom knows that my name meant something. I always thought we just didn't know how to spell, or liked our children to feel alienated, as we all spell names differently. I never really looked at as a tradition to spell names differently... it never crossed my name until just now. Maybe, just maybe, thats something that we have that we pass down.

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