Friday, May 25, 2007

Who needs a sauna suit?

So today was a weight watchers meeting, and I got on the scale, hopeful but not sure what to expect... and tada, I lost 8 lbs. woohoo. Its only one week, nothing really to get excited about, I know how easy it is to give up, get off track, so heres hoping I keep going. I was also a good dubie today and got the post office to stop sending my mail back lol. Alright, it just occured to me that all the pot heads out there are going... uh dubie?? but yeah, thats how someone in my life before has used the word.. I can't be sure it wasn't like saying, yeah, that was a good joint, but oh well. So I have a goal position... which I saw on a commercial for some product several years ago... It's gotta be some crazy stretch or Yoga position, but the woman had her foot in her hands... her hands were up over her head, she was leaning forward, and her leg was extended out and up behind her. I hope to be bendy and stretchy and without spare tires enough to do that pose.. and not fall over or die of pain. It will be a while.. probably over a year before I get there.. but thats what I get for being a chunky monkey.

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