Saturday, January 04, 2003

Sometimes writing and thinking about things that I would write is very very tiresome. No, tiresome is not the proper word. The connotation of tiresome is something that is boring, mundane, and repetitive. Thats not exactly what I mean, although, I missed a word and so didn't hit it right on the head there like I wanted too. Anyway, I mean, its more, wearing, erm, exhausting. I have these thoughts, and I want to get them out, and then, when I am in a spot to get them out, I think just about thinking them again, and feeling them again, and oh man I can't breath because it exhausts me so. Who knew thinking randomly could be such a work out. So there are plenty of thoughts that want to come out, and yet, quite frankly, I can't always be bothered. It just drains me too much. Lol I think I need a nap.

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