Tuesday, April 01, 2003

The farm is good. I like the farm. I like the people on the farm, and I like the horses. I like being able to work with the horses, and how nice everyone is. This evening I was told that I can come down and get some horsey love any time I want. I don't have to only come down when they have me on the volunteer schedule. Woohoo. I know "horsey love" may sound a bit odd, but Pthththtththtthh to all of you who think bad thoughts. Which is way cool. Means I can shoot down there on Wednesdays now, and on the weekends now that it will be staying light later. Ahhhh golly. It would seem the farm is about as addictive as the shelter is. I would love to be able to have a horse or two or a bunch some day. To take riding lessons and all that good stuff. Its something I have always wanted. Its rather far fetched though, I fear. Ah well, I will just have to continue to make sure I have places where I can go for some good, quality horse time. LOL

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