Friday, May 09, 2003

Love's the only house, big enough for all the pain in the world Ouch I hurt. It's probably just pms bullshit, but I'm sad, and lonely, and weepy. :-( The tears just roll down my face, fall out of my eyes, without much provocation, and I do nothing to stop them. Gggrrrrrrrrrrr! I want ... I don't know, I just don't know, I don't know. I want something real, someone real, someone, something tangible, in arms reach, I want to be able to tell soemone when I am sad, when I am crying, when I need a hug. I don't want to stay alone in my misery. And I don't just want someone who I can do this with, but I want to be able to do this, to actually have the ability to go up to someone when I am sad, and saying, help, I am sad. What is so fucked up with me that I can't do that?! Funny, I found something out a few weeks ago that explains a lot. My mom didn't not love me when I was younger, she simply played head games with me, so that I would think she didn't love me, didn't care, so that I would cling to her more. It worked like a charm. And I never knew it, not until I was talking to my cousin a few weeks ago, and she mentioned it. Wow, no wonder I have issues.

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