Thursday, May 08, 2003

Our new executive director wants to do things by the books, payroll wise. She wants people being payed for all hours they are there and everything. We are all shocked. Today she jokingly threatened to fire me if I didn't take lunch or a break when she told me to. Haha, cus thats insubordination. A boss, ordering someone to take a break, or to take lunch...?? Shocking I know, especially in our field. We are still trying to adjust to her, she is sooooo different than the director who we just... errr.. who is no longer being the director. LOL. My mom called every number on the lotto just before they came up a few weeks ago. I was like, "Damn mom, you could be one of the commercials for why its necessary to always buy your ticket" Yay!!!!!!!! The turtle is eating! I don't know if he eats any of the turtle food, or the live worms that I put in there, cus they go hide when I drop them in the water. But I see him eating the live plants that I put in the tank yesterday. Woohoo, I was getting concerned.

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