Monday, November 17, 2003

Just a few things to think on.

I am reading this book by Frank McCourt (I think, I can't seem to locate the book at this second) Woohoo, I found the book and I was right. Anyway, so I'm reading this book, and its called " 'Tis" It's pretty good. So I was reading, and came across a quote that Frank heard when he was younger, and it was really quite something.
"...the only person in the world who makes any sense is Albert Camus who says your most important act every day is deciding not to commit suicide."
That one kind of made me go.. hmmmm...
And one more little thing. I was online earlier, and on msn messenger, you can change how your name appears on a daily basis, and it still comes up on your friends buddylist, because it is done by email, rather than by name persay. And today, I had one name pop up as "I used to have a handle on life... and then it broke off" Thats another thing that makes me go "hmmmmm..."
Ok, thats it for now. I just had to get it down so I could stop obsessing about it.

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