Wednesday, January 22, 2003

I forgot...... what it was I felt necessary to say... My little cousin is making me angry, I am trying to ignore it, because what he is doing isn't affecting me at all. I feel this anger just welling up inside me though, and I want so badly to turn and yell at him, however I know that would have no positive effect on him, and he would just smirk. Its like a dog, don't react when they are doing attention getting behaviors and they will eventually stop the behavior. The difference is the dogs don't usually send me into a rage. I struggle for control, knowing its the only way I will win. Just take a deep breath and focus my anger into something slightly more productive. Its nice to know I can feel anger again. Lol. Ah I feel better now. Atleast slightly. For a while I just didn't get angry about things. I was too numb, too sad, too tired, and too depressed. I had worked so long at ignoring everything that caused me to feel angry, that I had finally managed to automatically supress all angry feelings subconciously, before I even realized that I had felt anger. Instead I automatically just converted the feelings into some of the other feelings that were already present in such a large amount.

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