Friday, January 10, 2003

It would seem that something or other has to make up for my complete lack of a life, and has decided not to allow me to live the most mundane existance ever. Its been another exciting few days for the Meganator, in the lovely land of Megville.
Wednesday I broke my right index finger trying to walk a dog. Like, really broke. The middle segment. The exray is pretty cool. I got to keep it. I have to to go to an orthopedic doctor on monday to have it set. Hopefully it hasn't already began to heal. It has to stay splinted until then. Makes typing difficult, so don't mind the typo's.
after I got out of the hospital, I had a zoning committee meeting to go to for the shelter. We lost, and so have to sell the land we bought and try to build a new shelter somewhere else. Add one more year onto how long it will take us to get into a new building.
Today, I was supposed to go to a city in MA with a dog to go on 103.7 WFNX. I'ts a radio station that covers parts or all of 5 New England states. The dog and I got lost in the city, and spent two hours walking around trying to find the studio. We never did find it. blah

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