Sunday, January 05, 2003

Sometimes I really am just dumbfounded with how people can be. I just want to take them and ask "Can't you see? Why don't you open your eyes and look? Why don't you get it?"
I once read something that made sense, and I try to remember it sometimes. Something along the lines of : You can't change all the world for all of the animals, however, if you save just one animal, surely you have changed the world for that one animal.
Its something I try to hold onto tightly when I feel the walls closing in.
I was reading "Readers Digest" while waiting in the vets office to speak to the vet regarding a cat at the shelter, when I came across a page of quotes. One of them definately caught my eye.
"You can't be top notch at work, if work is all you are in life" Meaning of course, that you need some balance. You can do better if you can get your mind off your job, and your job off your mind for a few hours every now and again. I dream about work. I think about it always. Even when I am thinking about something else entirely, there is usually something about work floating around inside my head.

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